I am feeling just a teeny tiny bit depressed. :P Oh well...
What do you think of the new background? I love it!!! Little robots!!! Could it get any better than that???!!! :) :) :)
I took Noelle and Joseph for another walk today, they are just so stinkin' cute! :D I just love them to pieces! :)
The pictures are not all that good or anything, but I am looking forward to editing them.
I took over 85 pictures, but don't worry, I wont post them all. :)
Noelle never fails to make interesting faces right as I am going to take the picture... :P I love the way they are holding hands. <3
I was kind of bummed to see that I had my camera on the wrong setting and so all the pictures turned out to be an interesting color. : /
I love the way Joseph looks worried in this one. :)
He looks like he is up to something....

I would be lying if I said that they didn't get sticky. :P
I am looking forward to editing this one especially. :)
LOLOLOLOLOLOL, this picture cracks me up!!!! :D Or.. Trololololololol as Wesley would say. :D
Look at his amazing eye lashes! Crazy! :D
I love this picture. :)
I like the bubbles. :)
There, I told you I wasn't going to post them all, I never said I was not going to post tons and tons. :) Hehehe
As I said before, they are not the best pictures, I am just waiting to edit them and try to make them better. Lately I have been feeling a little bit discouraged when it comes to photography.. I see all these people who are doing better than me and I just sit here with my little tiny blog with my crummy photography.... I keep finding myself saying "If I had an AMAZING camera I would have soooo gotten that picture! And it would have looked awesome." But, I do have a good camera! Well, better than my last, and I am really happy to have it, it was so amazingly cool of Caleb to give it to me and I am extremely grateful. I keep looking at it and thinking "Wow. Why on earth did he give me this?!?!?!" So, I shouldn't be discouraged should I? I guess it is not the camera that makes me feel no good at photography, it is the person taking the pictures. :P I'm just no good! :P But am good, for me? Right? Right? Right. And if you said wrong, then you should go.. stick your head in a bowl for not supporting people when they are trying to encourage themselves. Not only stick it in a bowl.. let a llama lick it!!! I mean.. who even reads this?! It is soooo boring!!!!!! Oh well, I guess I will just go eat my stash of candy I have been saving, listen to my Kris Allen CD, and try to figure out if that is really why I am depressed or just something that came to mind when I thought about it... :P lol But they are pretty cute kiddies, aren't they. :)
<3 <3 <3